Inappropriate or offensive behavior, including willful damage to property, will not be tolerated at any time. Participants will be responsible for the cost of any damages that they incur.
Any use of alcohol and/or drugs (except authorized medications), or weapons of any sort will lead to an immediate dismissal of LVP Summer camp with no refund.
Smoking will not be allowed during this program.
Participants are not allowed to drive themselves.
Participants will dress modestly and appropriately at all times. Please do not wear any clothing that is midriff-baring or allows others to view undergarments. Those dressed inappropriately will be asked to change.
For participants who are under 18 years of age, a permission slip from a parent is required for prescription medication.
All participants of LVP summer camp must be respectful of the counselors, each other, and workshop instructors throughout the program.
Observe the curfew hours that have been established. Participants must remain on their assigned floors between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Participate fully in each scheduled event with enthusiasm. Participation is required; however, if there are problems, please talk to one of the counselors.
Be punctual. You need to plan ahead to be ready to go to each event on time.
During their period of participation in LVP, students may not receive visitors on.
Pets are not allowed on campus, except when required to assist persons with disabilities. Please contact Syndi Jacobson at 509-335-6215 if you need to make such arrangements.
Skateboards and inline skates and any use of these items are not permitted on campus per University policy.
Room checks will be held each night after lights out. Students are not allowed to leave their floor at any time after the room check.
Students will not be allowed on the floor or in the room of a member of the opposite sex at any time in the residence hall. The residence halls have spacious lounges available for monitored, inter-gender socializing.
Room keys must be turned in at the conclusion of camp. The lost key charge is $60 and will be assessed to the parent or guardian. If you lose your key, please see your counselor at once.
Keep your room locked at all times in order to safeguard valuables. Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment is not responsible for anything that is lost or stolen.
Pullman has a very dry climate. Please drink plenty of fluids throughout the day!
Maintain a clean residence hall room! Your room will be inspected prior to leaving.
Have Fun! Make Friends!
Be ready to make suggestions so that next year's program will be even better.